2-in-1 Feeding pillow

Specially designed, cut, treated, cured special foam and outer cover is of PC fabric. It can be washed, subject to its large size & strong contours. Ergonomic contours of 2-in-1 Hoopa Infant Carrier will remain stable after washing. Outside fabric will get washed and it can be dried. Do not heat dry. It should be natural air drying.
Regular Feeding PillowFeeding Pillow with Shoulder BeltFeeding Pillow with Button NestFeeding Pillow with Chain NestQuilt Covered Feeding Pillow
Basic product with strong back supportShoulder belt transfers baby’s weight to mom’s shoulderStitched blanket with button for covering infantStitched blanket with chainStitched all surrounding cover with stuffed fiber
Newborn upto 4 months. Quilt Covered pillow may be used upto 6 months

1) primary use as infant carrier & secondary use is Feeding Pillow
2) entire pillow with baby can be reclined into suitable position
3) entire baby body gets supported from head to toe. Due to larger contact area, baby weight gets distributed over larger area and this leads to heavenly comfort and relaxation
4) pillow with baby can be tilted towards mom’s chest
5) pillow can be held anywhere. No need to hold precisely below neck & buttock
6) provides strong back support to newborn’s fragile structure
7) relaxes mom’s arms and provides great comfort during first 4 months
8) reclined feeding reduces colic & reflux; it enables better & faster milk digestion

Hoopa Carrier is designed with strong back so that fragile neck, spine, hands of infant get comfortable and steady support. Hoopa is the only pillow that supports infant’s delicate body and this can be achieved only with a strong back support. At same time, Hoopa pillow is not uncomfortable to baby’s body. Online purchases on website are offered FREE Soft Quilt Cover and it makes top surface of Hoopa Carrier soft for baby. Moreover, moms who prefer softness for baby generally place a soft blanket over Hoopa Carrier and on this soft blanket, baby is rested.

World Health Organization – WHO recommends reclined position during feeding & while carrying too. Reclined position settles milk in lower region of stomach and this prevents milk reflux and colic. It enables faster and better digestion of milk

Hoopa has ergonomically designed contours. These contours provide comfort with safety to infant. Newborn can be reclined without fear because of these contours

Shoulder belt is available only in 2-in-1 Hoopa Carrier with shoulder belt. Shoulder belt can be provided as customized accessory for other variations for additional cost of INR 400. Pls pay online to our upi “rathisunils@pingpay” and share screenshot on +91 9320008055
Stitched blanket protects newborn against dust, cold, heat wave, germs etc.

There are 2 variations of stitched blanket and both are of same price.
• One of them has buttons for loosening & tightening blanket that covers the infant. It is called as Hoopa Hooded Infant Carrier
• Other variation has zip for opening & closing blanket. It is called as Hoopa Chain Nest Carrier | pillow

3-in-1 Pregnancy pillow

127 X 66 X 18 cms weight around 3.01 Kgs 50 X 26 X 7 inches weight around 3.01 Kgs

Hoopa has taken note of feedback from pregnant moms that their pregnancy pillow gives way when their weight falls on pillow arm. Purpose of a pregnancy pillow is to support mom’s belly and back. For preventing pillow arms from slipping away, Hoopa has innovated and locked all pillow arms with removable zips.
External cover can be removed and machine washed
Hoopa pregnancy pillow has premium quality poly fiber stuffed inside. Pregnancy pillow can be entirely machine washed and dried. Pillow will not get damaged.

External cover is premium polycotton. 3-in-1 Hoopa pregnancy pillow has premium quality poly fiber stuffing inside.

3-in-1 Hoopa pregnancy pillow should be bought at detection of pregnancy. 1st trimester of pregnancy has lot of anxiety. Relaxing deep sleep and comfortable body will go a long way in curbing anxiety and body discomfort.

1) Pregnancy pillow
2) Feeding pillow
3) Infant guard

Yes. A very cute and strong cloth cover bag with multi purpose use is a free accessory
Mom can extend her arm over this separable hand patch. At times, mom may not want to put her hand over the side arm of pillow. Separable hand patch has a width of 3 inches and it is a flat cloth patch over which mom can straighten her hand and extend her hand through the side arm. Hugely comfortable….
The smaller side of 3-in-1 Hoopa Pregnancy pillow can be detached by unzipping it from larger side. Thereafter, there are 2 parts of pillow – smaller and larger. Smaller pillow is perfect feeding pillow and larger pillow is largest infant guard available in market. This enables alternate usage of entire pregnancy pillow, after pregnancy.

Infant guard provides largest anti-roll bumpers for newborn. Infants have a tendency for rolling over during sleep and while playing. Large bumpers will prevent infant’s rolling. Large bumpers also cut off loud sound waves from reaching infant’s ears. This provides deep and loving sleep to infant.

NEVER. Mother gets charmed with body relax and comfort offered by 3-in-1 Hoopa Pregnancy pillow. Our experience is that mother transforms into a life long user of 3-in-1 Hoopa Pregnancy pillow.

3-in-1 Hoopa Pregnancy pillow is also named as relaxing pillow, maternity pillow, and body positioner suitable for all age group & gender. Buyers use it for deep and soothing sleep that removes all fatigue and stress.

3-in-1 Hoopa Pregnancy pillow has 2 sides – front and back. Front side has printed cotton fabric and rear side has solid color cotton fabric. This 2 color fabric composition of 3-in-1 Hoopa Pregnancy pillow offers changing mood and fresh appeal.

3-in-1 Baby bed

50 MM Premium microfiber foam mattress. 100% machine washable
Premium quality microfiber foam mattress, Pure cotton Cover, & others
It should be brought at birth of newborn and it can be used upto 2 years. Can also be used for co-sleeping & within a cradle
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